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Full-Mouth Restoration

A full-mouth restoration plan from Dr. Seddon and his team at Oceanfront Dental is a personalized approach to restoring good health to smiles in need of extensive care.

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Cosmetic Dental Services, Vancouver Dentist

Bring Your Smile Back to Life

Some patients incur extensive damage to their teeth due to wear, decay, acid erosion, tooth development issues, or night-time grinding. When this occurs, best results can often be achieved by restoring all of the damaged teeth at once.

Needless to say, having work done on several teeth at one time is an involved process, taking multiple appointments and various types of dental services to achieve results.

A full-mouth restoration from our dental professionals can help you to navigate the process in a customized, step-by-step manner designed to make it as efficient and effective as possible. The goal is to provide the quickest possible results when rejuvenating the appearance of your whole smile.

If you’re looking for a fast, long-term solution for your worn or damaged teeth, then this cosmetic dentistry process may be the best way to achieve your smile goals!

Ready to begin your journey to a healthier looking smile? Contact our office to make an appointment with our treatment coordinator.

Preparing For Your Restorations

A Comprehensive Exam 

Dr. Seddon will complete a comprehensive oral examination, including photos, models, and bite records. He will go over the information and provide you with an objective assessment of your teeth, surrounding bone, functional bite, and smile. He'll also review the risks associated with any of these categories.

A New Bite Record

If treatment involves altering your bite, then a removable device known as a Kois deprogrammer may be fabricated to help set your jaw in the ideal position. This device can be used to help diagnose any functional issues you may be having.

Once your bite is in the desired position (which can take a few weeks of wearing the deprogrammer), you will return to our Vancouver dental clinic so that we can create a new bite record to document your bite in the ideal position. From there, we can build the new teeth into this ideal bite.

The Full Mouth Restoration Process

Restoring multiple damaged teeth typically takes two to four appointments in order for us to prepare the teeth, cement the crowns and veneers, and then adjust the teeth to fit comfortably in your mouth. Once the process is complete, use of a custom-fitted night guard may be recommended to help protect the porcelain restorations that have been used to create your new, healthier looking smile.

Dr. Seddon has taken a number of continuing education programs with leaders in the field, including Dr. Mike Racich, Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry, American Equilibration Society, and the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics. Dr. Seddon is a Mentor with the Kois Institute in Seattle, WA.

If you are in need of extensive dental work to restore the health, appearance and function of your smile, we are here to help. Our team can create a custom plan just for you, then work with you each step of the way, to help you achieve a smile you are proud to show off.

New Patients Always Welcome

Looking for a dentist in Vancouver or a second opinion? We're accepting new patients at our dental clinic! Contact us today to get started. 

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